
Get back to normal after a disruptive event

1. Data Protection

One of the primary threats to data security today is the ransomware attack, where your data is compromised, encrypted, and held for ransom by malicious actors. An effective backup strategy includes having multiple copies on different media, which are properly secured and regularly tested. A strong data backup and recovery plan is the most controllable aspect of your IT risk management IT Risk Management focuses on reducing the frequency and scope of business disruptions due to IT system security and reliability failures. At the core of IT Risk Management is the art of anticipation and preparation: there are no surprises, just a lack of foresight. strategy, and is something we can help you develop if you’re currently lacking one.

2. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

When an event happens, how long can you last in a non-operational state? For some organizations, it is impossible for them to operate without their technology. Others could manage to continue working for hours or days. The answers to these questions then inform the priorities and strategies for your business continuity and disaster recovery plans.

Business continuity refers to your ability to sustain operations during a disruptive event. Things like backup systems, emergency plans, and other measures are important to have so your organization isn’t completely paralyzed. Disaster recovery refers to your ability to restore information system access after a disruptive event, and is usually driven by a good partner who can support you during surprises.

A Systemic View

Viewing cybersecurity as collection of inter-dependent parts is about understanding systemic risk in the digital business system. Systemic risk exists in every digital business system and relates to variances in how the entire system functions to perform its intended objective. One weak spot in a cybersecurity system opens the door for hackers skilled at finding these soft spots.