
Avoid technical system failures and cybersecurity breaches

1. Cybersecurity Readiness

Cybersecurity is about controlling access and authorization. First, it involves mapping all of the access points to your network and data, including user privileges, then protecting those access points from intrusion and exploitation. Second, it involves extensive IT security monitoring to document and respond to threats as they present themselves.
The Basics
The Best

Developing and maintaining an effective security posture often requires the help of a trusted IT partner. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you.

2. Reliability & Resiliency

The best way to prevent system failures and maintain business continuity is by having the best hardware available and maintaining your infrastructure properly. When designing a system, it is important to consider the performance requirements, interdependence of system components, the life cycle of each component, and how the manufacturer supports their products. Proper maintenance includes ensuring software and drivers are up to date, and not keeping expired components in use.

3. IT Education

Unfortunately, users are always the weakest link in the chain of your prevention strategy. From phishing schemes to other forms of fraud and theft, individual users will be vulnerable unless they are educated and trained. Effective prevention requires vigilance, discipline, and good procedure in user behavior, which is a function of the education they receive. Education can be directed toward three audiences:

  1. Users: For small issues that users face day-to-day, its important to have helpful and instructive help desk staff as part of your support network. Sometimes these issues are teachable moments, or are useful in identifying areas for additional training. Other times these issues are early warning signs of a system security or reliability failure.  The other aspect of user education is cyber security user awareness training. Malicious actors rely on a lack of user attention, so keeping users vigilant and on-guard is a matter of consistent education and testing. A good user awareness program will purposely send false messages as tests to keep users on their toes.  It will also identify issues in the user base that need more concentrated instruction. This is an essential part of a security culture that is hard for cyber security threat actors to penetrate.
  1. Technical Resources: It is very challenging for small internal IT teams to keep up to date with their training and system knowledge, as they spend most of their time in the operational areas of deployment, maintenance, monitoring, and user support. Make the time for them to learn. An up-to-date IT resource is better positioned to manage the wide array of issues in IT risk management IT Risk Management focuses on reducing the frequency and scope of business disruptions due to IT system security and reliability failures. At the core of IT Risk Management is the art of anticipation and preparation: there are no surprises, just a lack of foresight..
  1. Executives: Executive users are one of the most important groups to educate, as their digital trust profiles are often expansive and may include administrative or monetary access. This level of risk requires special education to ensure that best practices for passwords, security questions, and other security measures are followed. Additionally, executives need to be educated in IT risk management IT Risk Management focuses on reducing the frequency and scope of business disruptions due to IT system security and reliability failures. At the core of IT Risk Management is the art of anticipation and preparation: there are no surprises, just a lack of foresight., as informed decision-making is critical in getting the right work and resources prioritized to support the business.